Three-dimensional modelling and urban environment
To understand the complexity of the urban environment in all its dimensions (environment, biodiversity, economy, quality of life, etc.); to work with tridimensionality modeling and to know how to integrate the information in a GIS.
I. Ecology, urban ecology, and sustainability. Cities and global environmental change; Biodiversity and green spaces; An economical perspective of “green cities”: urban growth and the environment; Urban ecosystems and planning.
II. Urban bioclimatology. The heat balance modifications in urban areas; Wind fields modifications in the urban environments; Urban atmospheric pollution: sources of pollutants, concentrations, and dispersion factors; Urban bioclimates and the distribution of species and ecosystems; Thermal comfort in the urban environments.
III. Three-dimensional modeling of the urban environment
Complexity of the urban environment and importance of its dimensions; three-dimensional modelling and integration of information in a GIS