Cartography and spatial modelling with unmanned aerial vehicles
Using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and associated data for very-high resolution mapping of natural phenomena and infrastructure in the Earth surface. Lectures include an introduction to high-resolution remote sensing, principles of UAS operations (fixed-wing and multicopter), including practice. Spatial modelling using photogrammetry techniques. Optical and multispectral imagery. Spatial modelling, mapping and data analysis.
I. Introduction to remote sensing with UAS. Types of UAS and sensors.
II. Operations with UAS. Legislation. Operation planning. Aerial surveys. Ground control points.
III. Introduction to photogrammetry. Point clouds. Digital surface models. Orthophotomosaics.
IV. Mapping and data analysis.
V. Applications of UAS in the geographical sciences.
Mapping and modelling using Unmanned Aerial Systems – Basic and advanced applications of UAS for high-resolution mapping and modelling of natural and anthropogenic phenomena